Monday, March 23, 2009

Mopey Monday

Today I'm in a blah mood. We are back to winter here again. It snowed last night and its cold again. Windy, cloudy and very chilly. It had been in the upper 60's low 70's for about a week. I know the snow won't last but it still is kindof a downer.

The kids are home from school today it's the end of the term. It should be a great day for movies and popcorn but I'm not in the mood. I need a mood buster to lift me back to my happy self. Wow! I'm a downer today!!

I think blog hopping might help. I'm sure there is some happy cheery person out there that can make me laugh and cheer me up!! Some funny story of something that happened over the weekend....


  1. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry my blog is running kind of serious right now. Hope you come out of the blahness of the winter that won't go away! I totally understand your blah feeling.

  2. I also hope you cheer up. There is so much to be cheerful about. More so than to feel blah about if you think about it. For some upbeatness in your life, The Secret Is In The Sauce is doing something truly inspiring at

    My best, Lynn

  3. Thanks for hopping over to my blog...

    I always enjoy meeting new bloggers... I love your blog as well... marking it to stop by again...

    Hope your Monday is ending on a up swing!
