Tuesday, April 7, 2009

BiRtHdAy WiShEs!!

Today is my son's 17th birthday. I'm not sure what to do for him. I think he is getting to old for balloons? My younger boys love them. I told him I would cook him his favorite dinner which is Italian minimeatloaves and italian mac & cheese. I got the recipe from Rachel Ray.

We are celebrating his birthday with my 5 almost 6 year olds birthday on the 19th with family. Last year we made a sign since he was turning 16 and put it up on the house over the garage with some balloons that said Happy Birthday so when he got home he would see it. I just don't have any ideas this year. Maybe its the lack of sleep with the new baby or I don't know.

Do you have any ideas???


  1. April birthdays rock :)

    17?? I would go for the ever popular pre-paid Visa or iTunes card or good ole cash.

  2. I hope he has a GREAT birthday. I,personally, would bake a cake:-)
